Datrys has been appointed as Civil and Structural Engineers for a multi-million pound investment plan announced by South Caernarfon Creameries. The project will extend the cheese production facilities of South Caernarfon Creameries and will entail the conversion of part of the present Cheese Store into a Production Area. Continue reading => Major Creamery Project
The new £7-£8m Extra Care Unit in Porthmadog – designed by architects Ainsley Gommon of Hawarden, with Datrys as Civil and Structural Engineers – has been submitted for planning approval on behalf of Grwp Cynefin. Continue reading => Extra Care Unit in Porthmadog
Datrys has been appointed to work alongside Ainsley Gommon Architects on a strategic regeneration project in Rhyl. The Abbey Street project involves the upgrading and construction of nine apartments and houses with associated parking facilities on behalf of North Wales Housing Association. Continue reading => Datrys Appointed on Residential Regeneration Project in Rhyl
Datrys is pleased to announce positive feedback from its auditors, ISOQAR.
The 2-day audit was the first to be carried out since Datrys was awarded ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 certification earlier this year. Continue reading => Datrys Passes ISO 9001 & 14001 Audits
Datrys is pleased to welcome two new members of staff to our team in Caernarfon: George Voulgarelis and Niel Williams. Continue reading => Datrys Recruits Two New Engineers
Datrys is proud to announce the retention of the Investors in People standard award for best practice in people management.The company first received the award in 2011 for its commitment to developing, supporting and motivating its staff. We are delighted that our efforts to develop and nurture the skills base of our loyal team continue to be recognised.
Datrys has now upgraded its services to include Building Information Modelling (BIM) software. We are convinced that BIM will make us more efficient and cost effective for our clients, as it helps reduce the time taken to complete some projects. Continue reading => BIM Software